The Benefits Of Boxing

Boxing is a unique sport in that it doesn’t discriminate based on size,strength nor gender. Instead, success in the ring often coincides with how hard you train. It certainly helps to have some athletic ability, but even an amazing athlete will struggle to win matches without a disciplined training regimen. This guide breaks down some of the main benefits of boxing.

Life Skills

 Team sports are fantastic for building camaraderie, but it’s easy to assign responsibility to others when things don’t go your way. In boxing, you’re responsible for your personal success and failure. This sense of accountability helps develop the following personal attributes:


  •  Self-confidence: Boxing tests your physical and mental limitations. You develop a sense of self-assurance as you overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable.
  • Work ethic: It takes discipline to wake up for early morning runs, diet to make a desired weight, and make it to the gym each evening for sparring. Most successful individuals make sacrifices to reach their goals, and boxing calls for these characteristics more than any other sport.
  • Sportsmanship: Competitive boxers tend to respect one another immensely due to the demanding requirements of the sport. It’s not uncommon for boxers to embrace following a hard-fought bout. Some people simply don’t have the courage to step through the ropes. Those who make the effort deserve respect from fellow competitors as well as fellow boxers in one’s own gym.
  • Self-defense: You build self-confidence as you learn how to defend yourself. Not all athletes want to enter the competitive aspect of the sport, which is fine. Anyone who puts time and effort in the gym, though, learns the necessary skills to stay safe in hand-to-hand combat.


Building Endurance

A boxer will improve his endurance by doing distance running. This is called road work in the language of boxing. By running three to five miles per day three or more times per week, you will build your endurance. This is a significant health benefit for the boxer, and vital in training because boxing will drain a fighter's strength and energy levels. Running for distance will keep you from feeling fatigued both inside and outside of the ring.

Quickness And Speed Training

Boxers can improve their speed and agility by jumping rope and hitting the speed bag. Both of these activities will improve reaction time and the ability to move quickly -- vital tools for all boxers. When hitting the speed bag, use the 1-2-3 method. This requires you to hit the speed bag with your left jab. The bulbous part of the bag will strike the back of the supporting ring, rebounding to the front of the ring and then back before you hit it again. Jumping rope will build speed and quickness and help your reaction time.

Burning Calories

Shadow boxing is a part of training that all boxers perform before getting into the ring against a live opponent. Shadow boxing helps to improve your ring generalship when you are fighting against an opponent, and also burns calories and promotes strength. Shadow box for six 3-minute rounds while taking a minute break between rounds. You can do two six-round sets per training session

Stress Relief

Boxing can be a great stress reliever. In particular, the training process can help you get rid of stress. Hitting the boxing heavy bag will help you to develop strength and explosive power while getting rid of stress. Punch the heavy bag for five 3-minute rounds, taking a minute break between sessions to get rid of stress and help build effective power punching skills. Heavy bag punching is an anaerobic activity that can also help eliminate every-day pressures that may impact your thought process negatively.

Get In Shape

No matter your results in the ring, boxing provides a workout that is second to none. Fitness boxing has become one of the most popular ways to get in shape in recent years. It improves coordination, reflexes, and aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. To boot, it tones and strengthens the muscles throughout your entire body. So whether or not you’re intrigued by boxing’s combative aspects, pick up a pair of gloves and give it a try!

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