Our Service to You

Our coaches take their knowledge and try to put it into words. The goal is to do anything we can to help you improve.

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We back to business per usual all classes just like before 

Countdown finished!

I'll guide you to amazing places

Hey guys ,

As you know we are back ....We will be running another class tomorrow at 18:30, class will be held on the gym car park due to the current covid-19 legislation.

From Monday 29th June we will run all class as usual in this manner until restrictions are eased ,for more information on class times please click on classes and times .
Class entry £5 per.

See you all there
Book your Spot!

Check back soon!!!                   Great things ahead!!!

We are closely following Government guidelines.
  • We are creating workout areas of 3m x 3m to give members the space to safely enjoy a workout.
  • We are limiting bookings for group exercise classes to adhere to social distancing guidelines. 
  • We are reducing the number of members in certain areas of the club at any one time to minimise congestion and ensure members and team members can practice social distancing.
  • We are asking members and team members to remain 2 metres apart in line with current social distancing guidelines

Our cleaning schedules and procedures have been greatly enhanced to maintain a high level of hygiene. Our new cleaning procedures include:

  • All cleaning is carried out with a fully veridical disinfectant cleaner, certified to kill enveloped viruses within 60 seconds.
  • We have increase the volume of cleaning across the gym, with particular attention paid to areas of high traffic.
  • We have introduced sanitisation stations , and have increased the amount of sanitiser spray and blue paper available to members to further encourage them to wipe down and clean equipment before and after use.
  • We have introduced extra time between classes to allow us to fully clean all areas ahead of the following class.
  • All team members have been trained on our new ways of working for cleaning and social distancing and all will be responsible for cleaning and sanitising around the gym.

We will do everything we can to ensure our team members are kept safe.

  • We have completed Covid-19 workshops so the whole team is on board and understand what is required of them for us to safely run our gym.
  • Team members have been told they should not leave home if they display any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19.
  • The team will be washing their hands before their shift, after completing cleaning tasks and frequently throughout shifts.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided for to team members should they feel the need to wear them. Disposable gloves and aprons will be worn when completing any cleaning.
  • Social distancing rules apply to team members too. 

New Class

New Beginner Class !!!

Every Tuesday and Thursday 7:15-8:15pm

22th Dec 2019 till 5th Jan 2020 Christmas holiday

    We are closed !!!!!

Our gym will be closed from 22st Dec 2019 till 5th Jan 2020 

We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Safe and Happy New Year .

We would like to say
thanks for all your support and being an awesome client of ours.

Lots of Love from D&A staff see you in the New Year 


Jan 7, 2019

For time:

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Jan 15, 2019

3 rounds for time of:

60 squats
30 knees-to-elbows
30 ring push-ups

Feb 2, 2019

5 rounds for time of:

7 reps squat cleans / 165-lbs  
7 reps shoulder to overhead / 165-lbs
7 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Dec 3, 2018

3 rounds for time of:

Row 250 meters
21 reps dumbbell thrusters / 30-lbs
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Dec 17, 2018

4 rounds of:

1 minute kettlebell snatches / 1.5-pood 
1 minute of sit-ups
1 minute of lunges

Dec 16, 2018

10 rounds of:

100-meter sprint
Rest 90 seconds

Dec 14, 2018

For time:

12 muscle-ups
Run 800 meters
9 muscle-ups
Run 400 meters
6 muscle-ups
Run 200 meters

Dec 10, 2018

Back squat
10-8-6-4-2 reps

Shoulder press
10-8-6-4-2 reps

10-8-6-4-2 reps
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